

Sr.No Name of faculty Title of project Funding Agency Year
1 Dr. N.A. Doshi ION Seeding to Electrify Atmosphere for Getting Artificial Rain. 20,000,00=00 1. MSSK Shivnagar 2. COEP Pune 3. SSSK Someshwarnagar 2017-18
2 Prof.Agrawal D.P. Optimization of Process Parameters for Manufacturing Micro Mould with SS-304. 1,20,000=00 Board of College and University Development.(BCUD) SPPU Pune. 2016-17
3 Prof. Bagawade A.D Some Studies on Chip flow, Cutting forces and surface roughness in hard turning 1,00,000=00 Board of College and University Development (BCUD).SPPU Pune. 2011-13

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