Department Of First Year Engineering

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  • Department Of First Year Engineering
Prof. Mrs.Mokashi Sakshi Sachin

Prof. Mrs.Mokashi Sakshi Sachin

Head of Department

Noteworthy Points

  • The Applied Science Department has well experienced proficient, enthusiastic, qualified and committed faculty members.
  • The department constitutes Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics sections.
  • The staff members are actively involved in teaching as well as research activities and Staff members regularly attend workshops of National Significance.
  • The department has well equipped spacious laboratories for the practical work in physics & chemistry
  • Students benefit from having excellent teachers and besides developing expertise in various domains achieve excellent results

Innovative practices in the department

  • Guardian Faculty Scheme: Class coordinator & guardian faculty member looks after the class as a guardian to solve academic & non academic problems Preliminary examination on the basis of university examination.
  • Remedial classes / Practice sessions for the students lagging behind.
  • Monthly attendance displayed on the notice board.
  • Parents' communication through phone calls & Parents meet informing performance in tests & attendance.

Admission Enquiry