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Research Committee

Sr No. Name Designation Position
1 Dr. Mukane S.M. Principal Principal & Chairman
2 Dr. Doshi N.A. Dean- R&D Coordinator
3 Dr. Agrawal D.P. ARC Member
4 Dr. Patil S.S. Coordinators - IQAC Member
5 Dr. Kate G.K. HOD-Civil Member
6 Dr. Gawade J.S. HOD-IT Member
7 Prof. Gholap S.G. HOD – Elect. Member
8 Dr. Kadhane S.H. HOD-Mech. Member
9 Dr. Parkale Y.V. HOD-E&tc Member
10 Dr. Sinkar Y.D. HOD-Comp Member
11 Dr. Patil A.A. Associate Professor Member
12 Prof. Mangate S.D. Assistant Professor Member
13 Dr. Parlikar A.S. Assistant Professor Member
14 Dr. Atole R.N. Assistant Professor Member
15 Prof. Chatse R.V. Assistant Professor Member
16 Shri. Sanap P.R. Head (R&D) , Nilsoft Pvt Ltd. Pune Member
17 Shri. Raut S.M. Structural Designer & RCC Consultant, BR Associates. Baramati. Member

Aims and Objectives


The research policy aims to create and support a research culture among its staff and students and leverage it for enriching and enhancing the professional competence by:

  • Developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes of all learners
  • Realizing the vision and mission of the college and facilitating their participation in research and related activities
  • Providing the required resources and appropriate facilities for smooth conduct of Research
  • Strengthen the institutional capacity for planning, budgeting and control all the research activities of the college
  • Fostering socially relevant research and promote multidisciplinary research
  • Developing rules, procedures and guidelines for granting research support, instituting awards, and supporting all other research related activities
  • Guiding faculty members in the effective integration of research projects with the regular curriculum implementation and enrichment activities
  • Promoting interdisciplinary research and establish modalities for preparing and undertaking joint research projects covering more than one knowledge domain as well as policies for involving external agencies/experts in such projects
  • Identifying, collaborating and establishing linkages including MOUs with National/International / Govt. / Non-Govt./ Industry/ Research organizations and Local agencies to benefit from the activities and programmes conducted by those organizations for widening the scope of the research opportunities, obtaining sponsorships and funding options available.
  • Encouraging and facilitating the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals
  • Serving as a facilitator to provide professional guidance, technical support and recommendation for financial assistance
  • To create awareness about patents and intellectual property rights and assists them in applying.
  • Compiling data on all the research work/projects undertaken by the teachers and students in to a database for easy monitoring and analysis of the progress being made by them from year to year.
  • Drawing and adopting a research code, which informs all researchers about the ethical and legal norms and principles to be followed in the conduct of research.
  • Preparing and implement a research quality assurance mechanism for ensuring that all research activities of the college conform to standard quality specifications.

Research Policy

  • Selected students’ projects are partially or fully funded.
  • Projects selected for Avishkar Competition (State level SPPU project competition) are given Travelling Allowance
  • 50% fees are paid by Institute for selected papers in Scopus/ Sci
  • Students are motivated to participate in State/National/International level events
  • Technical events are arranged for students to get confidence and motivation at departmental level
  • Prizes are given to the winners and runners
  • Expert Guest sessions / Webinars/Seminars are arranged in their respective dept for relevant topics
  • Staff members are encouraged to participate in the National and International conferences by providing financial assistance of 50% towards registration fees

Admission Enquiry