
 Dr.V.A. Chougule
Dr. V.A. Chougule
Head of Department

Applied Science is a bridge that connects Pure Sciences with the engineering world. The main focus is on promoting the scientific applications and knowledge in such a manner that the students and faculty shall contribute effectively, intellectually and ethically to the scientific community of the world.
            Department of Applied Science consists of Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics, and Engineering Chemistry, which are part of engineering undergraduate courses and started functioning since academic year 1990. All the above subjects are compulsory. Mathematics is the backbone of all Engineering Sciences. Hence a lot of attention is given on Mathematics in engineering education. Engineering Mathematics is for first and second year of engineering curriculum whereas Engineering Physics and Engineering Chemistry are only for first year engineering. The department has two well equipped laboratories namely Physics, Chemistry.

            The department has its own monitoring system namely “Guardian Faculty Member” Scheme which looks after the attendance, academic performance and other extracurricular activities of students are monitored regularly and the reports are sent to the parents from time to time. In addition to university final examinations, unit tests, Teacher Evaluation components are conducted. Different types of competitions, guest lectures, sports and cultural programs are organized. Experienced and qualified faculties take a lot of efforts which gives excellent results.
Keeping in view the recent developments in Science and the present needs in Industries, the curriculum of Engineering Chemistry, Physics has been revised so that the Engineers/ Technicians may have a better knowledge of basis Sciences, especially regarding the application of the subject in various fields of Industries. A good knowledge of Engineering Chemistry and Engineering Physics is therefore a necessity for the success of engineers majoring in various disciplines. These sciences foster technology, which is why all technical educational institutions have chemistry in all their courses. These subjects are taught in the First Year of Engineering to all the branches.

           The phenomenal progress of technology in the twentieth century has brought dramatically changes in human lifestyle especially with reference to housing, personal comforts, transportation and health care. The technology, which has thus enhanced the quality of human life, is based on scientific research, primarily in chemistry. The need for sustainable development is a key to the future of mankind. Continuing the problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, issues like economic productivity and national security, global warming, the depletion of ozone layer and loss of biodiversity have made everyone aware of environmental issues. The success of this course will depend on the initiative and drive of the teachers and the receptive students.

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